This Plugin gives player a Carrot on a Stick and spawn befor the player a pig with a saddle. When the Player click the pig with the Carrot on a Stick to, ride the player of this pig and control it.
- /pig - Give the player a Carrot on a Stick and spawn befor the player a pig with saddle.
- /rapreload - Reload the Configuration.
- /countdown - Start a Countdown.
- How to create a Sign >> here!
- rideapig.pig - Allows the command /pig
- rideapig.rapreload - Reload Configuration
- rideapig.sign.create - Allows to create a Sign
- rideapig.countdown - Allows to start a Countdown
- When the player type /pig cames a sound.
- When you left the pig will the pig and the carrot-stick deleted.
- You can create a Sign with the function /pig.
- You can start a Coutndown.
- You can edit a Delay for the /pig command.
Add a DelayAdd the Countdown-Message in the config.ymlAdd the Countdown-Time in the config.yml-Add a countdown-Add Sign with the function as /pig- You have Ideas? - Leave a Comment!
- Download RideAPig and put the Jar-File into your Plugins Order
- Restart or Reload your Server
- Enjoy!