If you're anything like me, when you're playing Minecraft wood is in a constant demand. So, you go and cut down some trees from a forest, right? That means a few less trees for the forest. The trees do drop saplings, but do you really take the time to replant them every single time? How about other people on your server? If you're not careful, serious deforestation can occur, leaving countless animals without a home. Remember, biodiversity shrinks with habitat loss! This problem may seem too large to tackle all by yourself, and you'd be right to think so. That's where Reforestaion comes in! A revolutionary simple plugin that lets mother nature take care of herself!
How is this possible?
Every time a sapling drops from a player or tree, if it can be planted where it lays, it will automatically be placed as a sapling block and will eventually grow into a new tree. No work required on your part!
Is it customizable?
Yes! If you edit the config file located in /plugins/Reforestaion/saplings.yml, you can set any block and metadata combination. By default the four saplings (regular, birch, pine, jungle) will only be added, but you can remove or add any blocks you want. This includes things like flowers and mushrooms, but also is extendable to modded saplings. You can also set the delay for how often the plugin checks for saplings under /plugins/Reforestation/config.yml. As of v1.6.0, the tick delay value is in ticks, so that means 20 ticks equals 1 second. There is also a disabled.yml where you can specify which worlds you do not want this plugin to function on.
You can also use /reforestation [on|off] to enable or disable the plugin at any time in game. You need to have the permission node reforestation.toggle in order to use the command. If you want the plugin to be disabled when you start the server, change auto enable to false in the config.yml, or else every time you start the server the plugin will enable planting.
Why do I need this?
It's a fun plugin that adds a nice rounded feel to your server. An example of its realism is that you could start a fire that will actually help the forest grow by causing saplings to fall, just like in the real world.
If there are any problems with this plugins, feel free to email me at jsncoding@gmail.com or to contact me in any other way.