CraftAxcel - Crafting The UnCraftable!
CraftAxcel is a unique plugin from the rest of the crafting plugins out there! We strive to try and add more of a RPG feel into the plugin, with soon to be new weapons and armors. Armors which contain enchantments like Protection 9!
CraftAxcel, doesn't just focus on those uncraftables, but also on things which you the community want! Soon we would like to be adding in custom items which heal, and do other assorted things for the player, like right clicking a paper named "Demonic" giving you Strength 3, and Speed 3, potion effects for 20 seconds!
1. Installation is pretty simple! Just put CraftAxcel.jar inside your plugins folder for your bukkit server and start the server up!
Next just start crafting! No messy configs or anything to deal with simple and clean!
You can also find the crafting recipes at the bottom of the page!
Using the Plugin
Very simple, it's pretty much all recipes at the moment! So you will want to get the necessitates for the item you are crafting , and you will want to align them in the correct order inside a workbench.
Item Recipes
We will strive to add in all the items which are uncraftable, and maybe even some custom items which aren't normally there! Maybe a custom-ed named sword with enchantments which are not in vanilla minecraft! Please feel free to tell us any ideas on stuff you think would be lovely to see within the plugin!
Items To Date:
- Mossy Cobble, Moss Stone Brick, Cracked Stone Brick, Chiseled Stone Brick
- Cob Webs, Tall Grass
Need the recipes? Click here!
Mob Spawn Egg Recipes
We have all of the Mob Spawn Egg recipes within the plugin, If you see that I am missing any mobs, please do feel free to tell me! And if any of you are wondering, when 1.6 comes out ( since it is rumored to be the mob update ) then I will be adding the newest mobs right away!
Mobs To Date:
- Blaze, Cave Spider, Creeper, Enderman, Ghast, Magma Cube, Silver Fish, Slime
- Skeleton, Spider, Witch, Zombie, Pigman, Bat, Chicken, Cow, MooShroom, Ocelot
- Pig, Sheep, Squid, Wolf, Villager
Need the recipes? Click here!
To Do
- Add permissions for destructive mobs
- Add in Config for Customizable Recipes
- Add in Herobrine
Add in CobWebAdd in Moss StoneBrick- Add in Cracked StoneBrick--
Add in Chiseled StoneBrickAdd in Tall Grass- Add in Fern
- Add in EXP bottles
- Add in Skulls / Player Heads
- Add in End-Portal Frames
Add in Mossy-Cobble