A simple, yet very powerful system for making physical shops using signs and chests.
It's never been that easy to create shops! With features like shop protection and anti-lag protection, you won't have to worry about your server's economy anymore!
"Just works"! Don't worry about your economy plugin, ChestShop supports all of them - iConomy, BOSEconomy and more (you can install Vault to use other economy plugins).
Frequently Asked Questions
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API for plugin developers
Source code on GitHub
Thread on Bukkit forums
Additional modules - install them like plugins:
Using shops
It's easy! Just right-click the sign to buy, left-click to sell.
(You can configure the buttons in the config file!)
How to create a shop
Player shop
- Place a chest on the ground
- Place a sign 1 block away from the chest (for example, above the chest)
- On the sign, write:
- First line will be filled by the plugin automatically.
- Price line is a combination of buy and sell prices. You've got to have a price indicator (like 'B' - price that will apply to items BOUGHT by PLAYERS - or 'S' - the SELL price) near the price - the prices are separated by a colon (:)
- Some of the possible price combinations: "B 5:5 S", "B 5", "S free"
- You can find out the name of the item you're holding by doing /iteminfo
- For example:
- A person can buy 64 diamonds for 10 dollars and sell them back for 5 dollars from AcrobotPL
Admin Shop - shop with unlimited items
Firstly, you've got to be sure that you've the ChestShop.admin permission / you are an OP.
To make an Admin Shop, simply put "Admin Shop" (configurable in config.yml) on the first line of the sign.
Permission nodes
Basic nodes:
-* - shop creation and buying/selling
it contains:* - create all types of shops - buy any item from shop - sell any item to shop
- ChestShop.mod - open any shop chest, destroy stores
- ChestShop.admin - open any shop chest, destroy stores, create admin shops
A full list of permission nodes
Full plugin description
For full plugin description, visit the plugin's thread on Bukkit forums.
Got an error or suggestion?
Simply submit a ticket here!
Has ChestShop helped you or your server?
If you want to thank the team in a more materialistic way, feel free to donate! :)