~ == NoHax == ~
This works like no ordinary Anti Hacking plugin, Now you may think it's bad because it doesn't stop people from flying, but actually in a way it does, so when ever someone flys, the admins will get notifications, It actually even kicks you if it knows you're hacking, It detects if you're flying, forcefielding/killaura, or even sprint hacking, Now I will add more to this list, I will even add, It will ban you for 2 hours if it knows you're flying. Now, do you want a example of how it looks like? Sure, No problem! (I will upload some pictures later!) So lets say this game, for example, named facepalm comes on a server with AntiHax installed, he also has a hacked client, so he decides to start kill auraing everyone, so he can get armor, Admins will get notifications like this "Facepalm is [Probably] attacking to fast! (0)" That is the first alert it will come, as it goes on, it can say "Facepalm is [Definitely] attacking to fast! (1)" And if you can't ban or kick people, AntiHax kicks the player for "Hacking is illegal!", After I improve the detection, I will add a 2 hour ban. This plugin is perfect for PvP / Raiding servers. If you want no one to hack, this is the plugin you're looking for.
~ Commands ~
Now I know this may not be a lot of commands, but I'm still adding to it, There's a command /lag and /resetlag Only Admins+ Can use /resetlag. And again, yes I am putting more commands, if you have an idea you want me to put as a command, please PM me or post in the comments.
~ Permissions ~
NoHax.fly = Allows you to fly with out the admins getting notifications
NoHax.speed = Allows you to Sprint / Speed hack
NoHax.alerts = Allows you to get notifications when someone is hacking
Donations will gladly be accepted for the raising of this plugin, so if you're feeling generous and want to donate, please do!
Installing the plugin
If you're having a very hard time installing this plugin, or you're just new and don't know how to install plugins at all, follow these set of instructions I'm about to give you. First, Download the plugin, Second, locate your server folder, Than you will see a folder named "plugins" (If there is no folder named plugins, make a folder called plugins) Now drag the AntiHax plugin into the plugins folder, then simply just reload your server, or restart it, I suggest you restart the server to be on the safe side.
Version 1.0 | Created the plugin
Version 1.0 | Fixed some bugs in the plugin that wasn't sending alerts when someone was force fielding or using kill aura
AntiSpam feature
So, this plugin also includes a AntiSpam plugin inside of it! So now you can get rid of those pesky spammers that just wont stop bugging you, Here's an example how it works. (I will add pictures later) So lets say someone is currently spamming this, "facepalm: LOL IM SPAMMING CUZ I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO IN MY LIFE!!!!" And if he says that constantly, he gets muted for 1 minute, If you want an example of what it would say, here it is "YOU ARE CURRENTLY SILENCED FOR SPAMMING FOR 60 SECONDS, IF YOU CONTINUE TO SPAM AGAIN YOU WILL BE BANNED" Now he has 10 warnings once he gets silenced for spam, if he blows that 10 warnings, he will actually get banned for spamming, this is what it would say in chat *Gray color* "Facepalm has been banned for spamming!" So if someone is using nodus or some kind of hacked client, and decides to do "Spam 15 KLDJEDHW LOL IM SPAMMING UR SERVER" They will be banned. This is a cool feature I just added, it will be very helpful.