What is Robotic Staff?
Robotic Staff is a simple plugin that help the server admin to reduce their work using a plugin which auto answer to message (At the moment only by command) sent by users.
helpme-help:'Needhelp?Type/helpme[id]!'// Message to display when player type /helpmehelpme-ask:1:'Comesilockano/unlockanolechest?'// First ask2:'Cosasonoecomefunzionanolefazioni?'// Second ask3:'Elaprimavoltachegioco,cosasonoicomandi?'// Third ask. In the near future it can be unlimitedhelpme-answer:1:'Perbloccarelechestfai/cprivate,perfarlapubblica/cpublic,perrimuoverla/cremove.Sefai/funclaimlechestsiautosbloccherannoanchesenonsonotue!'// First answer2:'Lefazionisonodeiclanchepermettonodiavereterritoriprotetti.Peravereunalistadeicomandifai/fhelp'// Second answer3:'Icomandiservonoacompieredeterminateazioni.Dietroallospawntrovideicartelliconunalistadeiprincipalicomandi!'// Third answerhelpme-console-error:'Youcantusethatcommandintheconsole!'// Message to display when type /helpme in the console
Now the plugin can only answer to 3 messages witch can be edited in the config.yml file, but in the near future it can be unlimited. This is my first plugin and my first project in Java, I'm learning while I do the plugin lol.
Sorry for my bad english D: