*****!!!Over 100 downloads!!!*****
/////Thanks guys! I really appreciate the time you've taken to try my plugin!\\\\\
TurtleChat allows you to find the players that really need help with something or the ones who are really mad at someone! It also helps stop spam by making everything lowercase in the messages, unless you're an op. I also made it so you can heal yourself or others with /fixup. It works fine with permissions plugins now and you can do /permaban [playername] and ban them and their IP address. (Now works with ANY PLAYERS).
V1.9 allows TurtleChat to work with 1.5.1 servers. It also adds the cooldown time integer to the config.yml (Set to 0 if you don't want a cooldown time.)
V1.8 adds a mute and unmute command. They need the turtlechat.* or turtlechat.mute permissions to use.
V1.7 adds compatibility with Minecraft 1.5!
V1.6 adds:
-A time changing function(/daytime, /nighttime, /noon)
-Fixes bugs where user must wait forever before chatting again(For real this time!)
-Adds an option for ranged chat(If enabled, it doesn't apply to shout or question)
-A player's chat is outputted to the console with the tag [INFO]
-Adds a 5 second countdown before a user can chat again
-Changes baban command to permaban and makes permaban work with online and offline players
-Changed the question command to work with the ? instead of the #
-Added a config.yml file for options such as update checks and chat colors!
-Adds compatibility with CB 1.4.7
turtlechat.*: gives all turtlechat permissions
turtlechat.permaban gives user permission to ban (bans username + IP)
turtlechat.fixup gives user permission to heal themselves or others
turtlechat.nocool Allows user to chat without cooldown
turtlechat.time Allows user to change time
turtlechat.mute Allows user to mute and unmute others
turtlechat.opColor Allows the user to chat with the op colors. (op colors specified in the config.yml
permaban: bans a user and their IP
fixup: heals user or the selected user
mute: mutes the specified player
unmute: unmutes the specified player
daytime: sets the server time to day
nighttime: sets the server time to night
noon: sets the server time to noon
put a ! in front of your message to shout, a ? to question, and nothing to chat normally. Unless the user has turtlechat.nocool he will have to wait 5 seconds per message!