About the plugin
Have you ever needed to put a long link, or your website URL on a sign and it just won't fit, so you put it across multiple signs or lines? Or you wish that those links where clickable? Well SignURLs provides a viable solution. It allows you to associate a word or phrase to a link that can fit on a line of a sign, than allows your members to click the sign and it will output the link the chat for the user to click. The plugin uses SQLite to store, and load the links.
How to use
You associate links to a phrase/word by using the '/signurls add {lineText} {url}' command. So as an example you could do, '/signurls add google http://www.google.com'. (*note* the plugin does check to see if you remembered the http: infront, if not it will automatically add it for you.) Then you place a sign, and on any line besides the bottom you put [SignURLs] and on the line below it, you put the phrase or word associated with the link. Once you place it, and you have properly set up the sign right click it. It should then put the link associated with the word phrase in the users chat who had clicked on it.
The /SignURLs is the main command, which hold all the sub-commands.
/signurls - will display a list of usable sub-commands.
/signurls add {SignText, URL} - This command will link the specified phrase that goes onto the sign to the specified URL.
/signurls remove {SignText} - Will delete and unlink the specified phrase from the database.
/signurls change {SignText} {new URL} - Will change the link associated with the specified phrase or word.
"signurls.command" - Access to the /signurls command
"signurls.command.add" - Access to the ADD sub-command
"signurls.command.remove" - Access to the REMOVE sub-command
"signurls.command.change" -Access to the CHANGE sub-command
"signurls.use" - Allows the user to be able to click(rightclick) the signs.
"signurls.place" - Allows the user to place signs with [SignURLs] on it.
More information to come as the plugin progresses through its developmental/beta stages.