EE3 v1.1
Have you ever played Tekkit, FTB? I sure have and i love equivalent exchange. So much that i've ported EE3(Latest Version) to bukkit, You can now craft the minium stone and transmute using your crafting table. I also personally wanted a way to use EE3 without installing mods which this solves.
What you could use this for:
- Give your users a new feeling for minecraft
- Give donators a new power which is not OP
- Use it as a portable crafting table
- Play with EE3 without installing mods!
What's so far:
- Right-Click with the minium stone to open a crafting table
- Over 80+ Recipes
- Craftable stone
- Permissions to prevent certain recipes/usage
- Spawning abilities for admins/shops
Not much is done at the minute due to EE3 not having alot!
Crafting Recipes
To craft the minium stone:
This crafting recipe is like this to make it okay to get but not too easy as minium shards aren't in the plugin!
Where can i find all the recipes? A full list can be found here.
But here's a quick list of what you can put with the minium stone
Cobblestone x [4] <-> Flint
Dirt x [4] <-> Gravel
Sand x [4] <-> Sandstone
Sticks x [2] -> Plank
Plank x [4] -> Log
Iron Ingot x [8] <-> Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot x [4] <-> Diamond
Iron Block x [8] <-> Gold Block
Gold Block x [4] <-> Diamond Block
Of course this is few of many, make sure to checkout here for more.
How to get the stone without crafting/adding it in a shop
To get it without crafting:
Do /give YOURNAME 378 1 2 then right click the magma cream to turn it into a minium stone!
To add it to a shop
Simply add the value 378:2 to the shop sign as the ID of the item, Note you cannot sell minium stones like this. You will also have to put a note saying right click with this to turn it into a real stone.
Allowing users to use the stone: (Default: Allowed, but if you use permissions you'll need to set these)
eeb.craft - Allows Crafting of Stone
eeb.workbench - Allows usage of right click workbench
eeb.use - Allows the usage of the stone in crafting
eeb.output.cobblestone - Allows the output being cobble (Using any transmutation recipes)
eeb.output.265 - Allows transmutation into iron ingots (Using any transmutation recipes)
eeb.output.* - Allows All Outputs
eeb.* - Allows everything to-do with stone!
Currently the config is not supported but coming soon.
I found a bug / want to suggest something
Send me a PM, or write it in the comments below!
None yet, but if you make one: Make a comment or PM me a link and i'll add it here!
Pahimar - Original EE2/3 creator and the person who inspired me to make this plugin!