If you hate having players joining your server, or you just want to have a bit of fun with another admin or your friend, then your in the right place. This plugin is designed for admins to enjoy monitoring players, it gives them a little treat to hit the players with. Behind each command, is a wad of coding setup in a way to make punishing an enjoyable experience. FakeTroll is also here to give you a good time on your server.
- /faketroll help Displays the FakeTroll help screen
- /faketroll op <playername> Sends a message to the given player telling them they have been opped
- /faketroll deop <playername> Sends a message to the given player telling them they have been de-opped
- /faketroll chat <message> Broadcasts the given message without a prefix, allowing the user to set one with color codes/formats
- /faketroll join <playername> Broadcast a message alerting players that the given player has joined the server
- /faketroll leave <playername> Broadcast a message alerting players that the given player has left the server
- /faketroll kick <playername> Broadcast to all players that the given player has been kicked
- /faketroll ban <playername> <message> Kick the given player with the given message as though they have been banned
- /faketroll unban <playername> Broadcast to all players that the given player has been unbanned
- /faketroll slap <playername> Slap the given player
- /faketroll Displays the current FakeTroll version
- /faketroll marry <playername> Marries the given player
- /faketroll divorce <playername> Divorces the given player
- /faketroll steal <playername> <amount> Fakes stealing the given amount from the given player
- faketroll.help
- faketroll.op
- faketroll.deop
- faketroll.chat
- faketroll.join
- faketroll.leave
- faketroll.kick
- faketroll.ban
- faketroll.unban
- faketroll.slap
- faketroll.marry
- faketroll.divorce
- faketroll.steal
Coming Soon
- None at the moment
If you want to give me any suggestions, feel free to comment :) The more commands the better :) Also if you would like me to make you a plugin, suggest it to me via PM and i will consider doing it depending on the level of difficulty :)