This plugin is a revival of the plugin at this thread.Originally created by Protected.
I thank him for originally creating it but am angered by his complete removal of the plugin without leaving any notification for its fans.
The original plugin allowed you to play midis in Minecraft without a client mod using noteblocks and correctly formatted signs.
The format of the signs is like this.
- first line: blank
- second line: [midi]
- third line: filename, must be short enough to fit on the line without the .mid extension.
- fourth line:Special perimeters, Such as start on chunk load and looping "A,L, and a few more I need to search for in the code."
Micheal Jackson's beat it.mid
- blank
- [midi]
- mjbi
song of storms.mid
- blank
- [midi]
- sos
For more help check the help page here.===> Help
If you want to see videos of this plugin in action check here.==> videos
Permission Nodes:
My hopeful to-do list:
- maybe create a client version.
get more of the commands working- Just removed the non working onessomehow figure out how to add permissionsmaybe change the command to prevent conflictscommand is now midibanks- clean up the messy code
check the configuration file- included inside of jar also saved upon plugin load.
Optional Dependencies: