What is it?
Hello, this is my new plugin - RootExchange. You will like it if you like Tekkit or Equivalent Exchange 2! This really simple plugin brings possibilities from Equivalent Exchange 2 mod for Minecraft. However this plugin DOES NOT require any client mods.
Plugin uses original (almost) EMC values from EE2, however there is no problem to change it!
Ok, let's take a look on features:
- Configurable EMC values for every item you want
- Energy Condenser
- Commands (to check EMC value etc.)
- Permissions support
- Items usage cooldown (Advanced items won't lag your server! Config Support!)
- Alchemy Bag - your hand-chest, connected with your Ender Chest!
- Swiftwolf's Rending Gale - use this magic ring to fly!
- Watch of Flowing Time
- Destruction Catalyst (works with WorldGuard regions!)
- Own Crafting System called RECrafting (support for crafting with stacks and more!)
- In-Progress...
Players' commands:
- /emc [id[:damage]] [-d] - shows EMC value (-d for debug mode) (if not id specifed your in-hand item will be used)
- /rootexchange - shows basic informations about the plugin
Admins' commands:
- /rereload [-d] - reloads config.yml (use -d to show debug - execute debug mode in console for best view)
- /emc - rootexchange.command.emc
- /rereload - rootexchange.command.rereload
- Energy Condenser Creation - rootexchange.condenser.create
- Energy Condenser Use - rootexchange.condenser.use
- Watch of Flowing Time Use - rootexchange.watch.use
- Destruction Catalyst Use - rootexchange.catalyst.use
- RECrafting Creation - rootexchange.recrafting.create
- RECrafting Use - rootexchange.recrafting.use
Found bug?
If you found a bug post it, please. Then I know about that and I can fix that quickly! Known bugs:
When you use condenser there is one extra ghost-item in output (going to fix, however it looks safe)Fixed in 1.4.7-R1.0-P1.1- Condenser uses single-chest only (double chest won't be detected as double), well it's not bug!
If too many items in output they will just disappear (EMC won't be saved - going to fix that soon)Fixed in 1.4.7-R1.0-P1.1- Possible EMC glitches - EMC values are beta-tested - if you found a better set of EMC values tell me, please ;)
To-Do List
Items marked with (C) are in progress!
Items marked with (D) are done and will be added in the next update!
- More fuel types for Destruction Catalyst
- Flying with Swiftwolf's Rending Gale consumes fuel
- What you want to see?
Even more fun with Tekkit-like plugins
Want more? I know plugin that you will love - look on CraftFactory plugin!