I made the Fake Messenger so that you can only use 1 word! I fixed that now So sorry! if you have any other version but 5.3 or higher please update!
What it does
This is the command part of the EasyOP Plugins. EasyOPcmd is a plugin aimed to make OP's or admins/mods if you choose to use permission nodes life easy.
Video Slightly Outdated no fake messenger in it
Video by these awesome people Here
Welcome Message
In the config.yml you can edit a MOTD / Welcome message. Also we have a welcome messaged asking users how they are! you can disable this in the config!
Name Colors
Ops have a RED name! you can disable this in the config
- /C - Creative mode
- /S - Survival mode
- /A - Adventure mode
- /F - Fly mode - Usage: /f on , /fly off
- /FLY - Fly mode Alias - Usage: /f on , /fly off
- /XRAY - Gives you 1 minutes of night vision
- /INFO - Gives you info! set in the config.yml
- /GOOD - Tells use that you fell alright!
- /BAD - tells use your in a bad mood
- /FM - Fake Messenger! - Usage: /fm <player> <Message>
Permission Nodes
- easyop.* - All Perms
- easyop.xray - Night Vision Mode - /XRAY
- easyop.fly.* - All flying perms
- easyop.fly - Fly mode - /F*
- easyop.creative - Creative mode - /C
- easyop.survival - Survival mode - /S
- easyop.adventure - Fly mode - /A
- easyop.fake - Fake Messenger - /FM <player> <Message>