A new total package server Economy system.
Complete Economy is a plugin which has as objective of satisfying all your economy needs without the need for additional plugins.
- Basic Economy system
- FlatFile Storage
- Bukkit Built in Permissions
Todo (Add to the plugin):
- Add support for MySQL and SQLite
- Add money
- Add banking
- Add jobs
- Add shops
- Add kits
/money - This will display your current holdings. (Not Done)
/pay [Amount][Player] - This will give money to another player. (Not Done)
/bank balance,b - This will display your bank account balance. (Not Done)
/bank deposit,d [Amount] - This will deposit [Amount] from your holdings to your Bank Account (Not Done)
/bank withdrawal,w - This will withdrawal [Amount] from your Bank Account to your holdings (Not Done)
/shop create [Name][Admin/Owner] - This will create a new shop (Not Done)
/shop setmode [buy/sell/both] (Not Done)
/shop setprice [buy/sell][price] - Sets the price for a frame. (Not Done)
/shop delete [Name] - This will delete a shop you own (Not Done)
/kit - Show a list of all available Kits (Not Done)
/kit [Name] - Gives you the Kit (Not Done)
/kit [Name][Player] - Gives the Kit to another player (Not Done)
/kit create [Name][Price] (Not Done)
/kit additem [Name][ItemID][Quantity] - Adds item to the Kit (Not Done)
/kit remitem [Name][ItemID] - Removes item from the Kit (Not Done)
/kit setprice [Price] - Sets the price for a kit. (Not Done)
/kit delete [Name] (Not Done)
/jobs - List the jobs available to you (Not Done)
/jobs stats - Show the level you are at for each job you are a part of (Not Done)
/jobs stats [Player] - Show the level the player is at for each job they are a part of (Not Done)
/jobs join [Job] - Join the selected job (Not Done)
/jobs leave [Job] - Leave the selected job (Not Done)
/jobs info [Job] - Give a detail of the selected job (Not Done)