Routes is a simple plugin that allows the creation of 'routes' that players can then locate with their compass.
An admin on the server can go and create locations that players can set their compasses to. Players can then use either the autoroute function or use the next and back functions. These commands have delays which is configurable. The autoroute function will allow users to automatically locate the next route when they arrive in a configurable radius of the targeted points. Descriptions and Names can be set for each route and can be checked by users in-game.
This plugin has full permissions support and default permissions for non permission servers. It also includes an automatic update checker. This update checker is configurable and it is recommended that you disable it if the server is running on a slow computer / with slow internet.
- Update Checker
- Permissions Support
- Fully Configurable Messages
- 'AutoRoute' functionality
- Delayed commands
- One command with multiple sub commands!
Future plans
- Economy Support
- Suggestions?