This plugin is a simple plugin that i have spent a lot of time on. It allows people to send emails in Mine craft. not real emails everything is in game. You may ask why you don't just want to use the chat. First of all if you send somebody an email it is completely private too that player. However the main reason is so if a player sends another player coordinates or a password he can read it or he can save it to be accessible all he wants. If a player is offline you can send him an email and it will save it and then next time the player logs on it will notify him how many emails he has got. he can list them read them or delete them.
The configuration file by default is completely empty. Don't be worried by this. The configuration file is where all email data will be saved.
all permissions are set default to op. the permission 'emails.*' will give access to everything in email plugin. however emails.<commandname> will just be the permission for that command.
this command sends emails you simply perform: /sende <playertosendmessage> <messagename> <the message itself> Note: all emails support colour codes (except for email names) PERMISSION: emails.sende
if you simply go /read it is likely to send you a message like: Usage: If Email Just Been Sent: /read, otherwise /read <emailname> this is because you can only go just /read on unsaved emails.
if you wish to read a saved email then /read <emailname> PERMISSION:
if you have an unsaved email and you get another one the last one will be overwritten. So if you wish to save your emails go /save if there are no unsaved emails it will send you a message saying: You have no current email PERMISSION:
this command simply lists all emails. PERMISSION: emails.liste
If you go "/dele all" it will delete all your emails. However if you go /dele <emailname> it will delete that email only. PERMISSION: emails.dele
The console name is CONSOLE you may be able to send him emails also
Emails V3.0
- Emails now work with one word only
- Several bug fixes