[UHC] UltraHardCore Mode
UltraHardCore Mode gained on popularity in the last few months really quickly. It is basically vanilla hardcore mode but harder.
UltraHardCore Mode facts
- No health regeneration
- Potions won' t work either
- Only way to regain health is by consuming a "Golden Apple"
- Ban on death
A few weeks ago SethBling introduced his UHC-Box on YouTube. This box does all of this features more or less.
But since this is vanilla Minecraft there are minor issues:
- Potion effects to prevent regeneration (really annoying!)
- Items are getting removed from the inventory instantly!
- User does not get banned, but "jailed" in the air
I thought, that this is a great idea and with the possibilities of CraftBukkit really easy to develop. This plugin fixes all these "bugs" and adds a few improvements. The basic idea and gameplay is still the same
Features of this plugin
- Every output by the plugin is configurable thru the config.yml
- Toogle plugin on or off for yourself or any other player
- List disabled players
- Healing only by executing command which drains 1 gold block and 1 apple from the player's inventory
- Amount of healing configurable
- Dis-/enable "Ban on Death"
- Disabled players are stored in easy editable flatfile database (YAML)
- Permissions for bypassing the plugin
- Switch plugin on or off with simple command (or via config)
- uhc-heal (Heals you by certain amount of hearts, requires 1 apple and gold block)
- uhc-toogle [option:player|global] (Toogles UHC on or off for the command executor or the player attached)
- uhc-list (List all disabled players)
- uhc-resetconfig (Resets the config to default)
- uhc.* (Give access to all commands)
- uhc.toogle.self (Allows the user to toogle UHC on or off)
- uhc.toogle.remote (Allows the user to toogle UHC on or off for both them, others and global)
- uhc.bypass (Bypasses the UHC Plugin)
- uhc.denyheal (Permits the usage of the command /heal)
- uhc.list (Allows to list every disabled player)
- uhc.resetconfig (Allows to reset the config)
- Add option to configure items needed for /heal
- Make a global on/off switch DONE
- We' ll see :D
This project is opensource!
In this repo is the latest dev build as well (at dist/UltraHardCoreMode.jar)