Chained Op
What is it
Chained Op allows the server manager to prevent commands they deem should never be called from being called. These commands are given to ops by default through various plugins or even shipped with bukkit that could result in admin abuse, prevent the server from running normally, or even prove to be used as a means to hurt the server as a whole.
How do you use it
To use it simply run the server once with this plugin, go into the config file created by the plugin and add any commands that you feel should never be used by anything less than the console. By default the Stop command is shipped as an example of how to set it up, no slashes just the command. At the current version double slash commands are not supported, int he next version I will include a fix to allow them to be included.
Commands and Permissions
I don't see the merit in adding any commands to the plugin seeing as its designed to prevent abuse and adding commands may actually allow abuse to occur, if people really want commands and permissions added let me know by commenting below, and I will add them in the following version.