[UHC] UltraHardCore Mode
UltraHardCore Mode gained on popularity in the last few months really quickly. It is basically vanilla hardcore mode but harder.
UltraHardCore Mode facts
- No health regeneration
- Potions won' t work either
- Only way to regain health is by consuming a "Golden Apple"
- Ban on death
A few weeks ago SethBling introduced his UHC-Box on YouTube. This box does all of this features more or less.
But since this is vanilla Minecraft there are minor issues:
- Potion effects to prevent regeneration (really annoying!)
- Items are getting removed from the inventory instantly!
- User does not get banned, but "jailed" in the air
I thought, that this is a great idea and with the possibilities of CraftBukkit really easy to develop. This plugin fixes all these "bugs" and adds a few improvements. The basic idea and gameplay is still the same
Features of this plugin
- MulitWorld Support (dis- or enable plugin in specific world(s))
- Every output by the plugin is configurable thru the config.yml
- Toogle plugin on or off for yourself or any other player
- List disabled players
- Healing only by executing command which drains 1 gold block and 1 apple from the player's inventory
- Amount of healing configurable
- Dis-/enable "Ban on Death"
- Disabled players are stored in easy editable flatfile database (YAML)
- Permissions for bypassing the plugin
- Switch plugin on or off with simple command (or via config)
Warning: Data usage notice: This plugin DOES collect anonymous usage data. This is only toggleable after 1st launch, so if you do not approve of this, don't use the plugin. The data collected is used to present the following information: coming soon
- uhc-heal (Heals you by certain amount of hearts, requires 1 apple and gold block)
- uhc-toogle [option:player|global] (Toogles UHC on or off for the command executor or the player attached)
- uhc-list (List all disabled players)
- uhc-resetconfig (Resets the config to default)
- uhc.* (Give access to all commands)
- uhc.toogle.self (Allows the user to toogle UHC on or off)
- uhc.toogle.remote (Allows the user to toogle UHC on or off for both them, others and global)
- uhc.bypass (Bypasses the UHC Plugin)
- uhc.denyheal (Permits the usage of the command /heal)
- uhc.list (Allows to list every disabled player)
- uhc.resetconfig (Allows to reset the config)
- Remove "testing code" (testing code = change join message for my minecraft account ;)DONE
- Add option to configure items needed for /heal
- Multiworld support DONE
- Make a global on/off switch DONE
- We' ll see :D
This project is opensource!
UltraHardCoreMode on GitHub - UltraHardCoreMode on SourceForge
In this repo on GitHub is the latest dev build as well (at dist/UltraHardCoreMode.jar)
On SourceForge are all stable versions.
Any versions on these servers have NOT been approved by DevBukkit staff. Use them at your own risk.