Ever wanted to gain Giants legitimately? Or make baby mobs grow faster? Now you can with BoneMeal4Mobs! Just give 'em a bonemeal and BOOM! Grown up mobs!
Idea from Sethbling's 1.2.5 April Fools Joke:
This is my first released plugin on Bukkit which allows you to use bonemeal on baby mobs and zombies. Simply, just right click on the designated mob and poof, it will become an adult (excepting the zombie which becomes a giant)
- BoneMeal4Mobs.* - Allows you to use bonemeal on all mobs listed below:
- BoneMeal4Mobs.zombie - Allows you to use bonemeal on zombies
- BoneMeal4Mobs.cow - Allows you to use bonemeal on cows
- BoneMeal4Mobs.sheep - Allows you to use bonemeal on sheep
- BoneMeal4Mobs.chicken - Allows you to use bonemeal on chickens
- BoneMeal4Mobs.pig - Allows you to use bonemeal on pigs
- BoneMeal4Mobs.villager - Allows you to use bonemeal on villagers
- BoneMeal4Mobs.wolf - Allows you to use bonemeal on wolves
Current mobs:
- Zombie to Giant
- Baby cow to Adult cow
- Baby sheep to Adult sheep
- Baby chicken to Adult chicken
- Baby pig to Adult pig
- Baby villager to Adult villager
- Baby wolf to Adult wolf
To Do:
- Anti-Bonemeal? - Make mobs turn into babies?