Egg Explode
cause of an upload bug, I'm not able to upload the file yet :( but I think tomorrow :D
This is a Simple Plugin, making eggs to Grenades. It has only one Command (See Commands Section below). The Permissions are really simple (See Permissions Section below) and Please watch out! i would not recommend a explosion radius larger than 32! It could crash your Server! and Please watch out, where you are shooting at!
- /eggexplode [size of explosion] Omitting the parameters, the radius is automatically set to 4 (This is the TNT explosion radius).
- eggexplode.use
Known issues/bugs
- enable/disable bug No fear! it works, but sometimes it deactivates automaticly.
Features (Comming soon)
- Config File for Language
- bugfixes
- enable and disable fire
Download and Source:
Download: Look at the top of the Site! Source: it's not open Source yet!
Please feel Free to report bugs, or sugesst new features!
thanks :)
I'm going to release version 1.1 Tomorrow :)