Plugin overview
La vidéo d'explication en français est disponible en bas de la page.
ClosedCombat is a PVP style created by Kazz96, where people fights in a arena closed by giant bedrock wall. The concept is based on PVP, so there are some rules you must know :
- survival gamemode
- you can't destroy or place blocks, but those defined by the author(s)
- you can't open dispensers, but only use them by a redstone signal
- it is allowed to use minecarts and boats, but it is forbidden to break them or to put one
- crafts are forbidden, but mushroom soup
The plugin is here to automatize all the fights and to apply the rules.
What do I need ?
You need two plugins : Multiverse-Core and WorldEdit.
You can't use any other multi-world plugin, because it uses its features about importing/removing worlds. Worldedit is used only to select an area.
And of course, you need the plugin.
What do I do ?
To create your map in your server, you must have a spawn map.
Then download one of the ClosedCombat map.
The command you must know is : /ccmap <command>
Your first command : /ccmap create <map name> Then use Multiverse to teleport to the map's world, and select the map area with WorldEdit (expand vert make it easy). It is usually a big bedrock wall or box. Then, you must use /ccmap definezone <map name>. It will set :
- the fight area
- the spawn locations (for the fighters)
- the blocks you can place/break
- the chest provider (incoming explanations)
You can check all informations thanks to /ccmap info <map name> command. You can remove map's infos from plugin with /ccmap remove <map name>.
You can modify block property with /ccmap setblock <map name> <block id> <place/break> <true/false>.
For now, DO NOT USE RELOAD ! I am fixing a bug about CastException.
Let's fight
Now, put in the spawn world a sign, like this :
- [CC]
- <map name>
- nothing
- nothing
It will detect it, and be updated. The players can register/unregister to fights by right clicking the sign.
You can have many maps like that.
Now enjoy, and LET'S FIGHT !
Because i am french, there can be many english mistakes. Thanks for saying me what they are.
Merci de me dire où sont les erreurs d'anglais.//
Pour ceux qui veulent privilégier le contenu dans la langue de Molière, une petite vidéo sera bientôt à disposition. Patience ... Le plugin n'existe qu'en anglais pour l'instant. A venir, la version française du plugin.