AdminNotes allows admins to keep notes on players.
Latest version: 0.3.0
- Create notes on players.
- List and search notes by player, writer or keyword.
- Toggle notify flag on individual notes to notify admins upon player's login.
- Java 6
- A permissions plugin.
- Add the AdminNotes.jar to your server.
- Start the server.
- Add AdminNotes'permissions to your permission plugin.
- Enjoy
- /notes: List commands.
- /notes create: Create a note.
- /notes list: List all notes.
- /notes info: Show writer, date and notify info on a note.
- /notes notify: Toggle notify flag, when that player logs in admins are notified of the note.
- /notes search: Search notes. p:playerName, w:writerName, k:keyword
- /notes remove: Remove a note.
- adminnotes.mod: Grants the following permissions
- adminnotes.list: List notes
- adminnotes.create-notified: Receive notification upon a note creation.
- Get info on a note.
- adminnotes.login-notified: Receive notification upon noted player login.
- Search notes.
- adminnotes.admin
- adminnotes.mod: Receive the mod permissions.
- adminnotes.create: Create a note.
- adminnotes.remove: Remove a note.
- properties
- chat-prefix: Chat prefix
- db-type: SQLite or MYSQL
- permission-default: Permission default setting. op/not op/true/false.
- notify-by-default: Set notes to notify on login by default.
- notes-per-page: How many notes per page to show in the list command.
- date-format: Date format.
- check-new-version: Check for a new version on startup.
- async-db-queries: Run database queries in a separate thread, prevents lag when accessing the DB.
- mysql: typical mysql login info.
To do
- Localize strings
Source code's available here. Bitcoin donate: 1LKgFNnuTrzTnztrv5NebKDo2dmQXZU5fW
Have an issue or suggestion? Post a ticket.