Guard your creativity, the right way.
- Commands to enable and disable items blocks and events by commands in game.
- 1 boat and minecart per person, when they place another cart or boat their last one is removed.
- If a world is not defined in the config then it uses the default values.
- All settings are multi-world capable.
- Freeze time in worlds to day or night.
- Plugin tells you if there's an update.
- Notify admins when someone tries to do something blocked
General Blocking
- Block Water flow
- Block Lava flow
- Block Redstone
- Block Dispensers
- Block Creeper explosions
- Block Enderman placing breaking blocks
- Block Iron Golem creation
- Block Snow Golem creation
- Experience orbs from dropping and removes ones on the ground.
Weather Blocking
- Rain
- Lightning
Player Blocking
- Certain items by their ID in certain worlds.
- Block all id's by blocking id 0
- Item drops.
- Specific SpawnEggs
- Bows
- Fishing.
- Chests
- Ender Chests
- Beds
- Vehicles.
- Limiting of vehicles, each player gets 1
- Vehicle protection, players can't break vehicles they don't own.
- Chicken eggs from being thrown and spawning chickens.
Fire Blocking
- Ignite - block creation of fire
- Spread - block fire from spreading
- Blockdamage - block fire from destroying blocks
- /cg help - commands
- /cg flags - lists all event flags
- /cg remove [entity] - removes entities from world
- all,items,vehicles,exporbs,mobs,animals,null
- /cg block <id>|<flag> - blocks an event flag or item id for current world
- /cg unblock <id>|<flag> - unblocks an event flag or item id for current world
- /cg time day|night|none - Freezes time in current world
- /cg info - shows what's enabled and disabled in current world
- /cg reload - reloads config
- /cg debug - toggles debug mode
Reported working with GroupManager
Tested with PermissionsEX
If you are using a different permissions plugin and it works let me know please.
- CreativeGuard.admin - Enables use of commands
- CreativeGuard.unblock.* - Unblock all id's
- CreativeGuard.unblock.8 - Unblock id 8 (works with any of id of any block or item)
- CreativeGuard.unblock.spawnegg.* - Unblock all spawn eggs
- CreativeGuard.unblock.spawnegg.creeper - Unblock spawn egg creeper (works with all of them)
- CreativeGuard.admin.notify - enables user to see notifications
If you set 8 to be blocked in the config and give the user CreativeGuard.unblock.8 then they can still use the water block.
However anyone without it can not.
If you set 0 to be blocked in the config it will block all items.
- Download CreativeGuard.
- Place CreativeGuard.jar in the plugins folder.
- Restart the server.
- Configure the config.
- Configure the permissions.
- Enjoy!.
Future Updates
- Store owners of boats and minecarts in config to help prevent "null" owner.
- Permission node to break vehicles owned by others
- Add data value to ID's <
next update - Add regions (far in the future)
- Add unset command, unset a flag so it inherits again
- Add console support
- Multilingual support, message me if you can help or contribute.
- Block mob and animal spawning
Known Issues
- Players lose boats they own on restart. - Priority Medium
- Why is this plugin still beta? It seems to run fine.
- Yes, this plugin does just fine at what it does currently
- However there is still big plans, like regions, full console support and data values
Configuration == <- click here
- Config automatically generates