This is a simple light weight plugin made for my server, but I was asked to make it public.
It is designed to provide reporting about blocks on the server with a history.
It was designed to be used to detect griefing.
It has 1 command and 1 permission:
Command: /bCheck
Permission: BlockLog.bCheck (default is OP)
It REQUIRES MySql (not Lite)
** Awaiting approval, jar has been submitted.
Copy jar file into your plugins folder and start your server.
This will generate the config file in plugins/blocklog.
STOP your server.
Edit the config file so the settings will fit for your MySQL server installation.
Restart and the Database, and Tables will be created, you're done.
Sample Config:
UserName: root
Database: BlockLog
Port: '3306'
MySql: 'true'
Password: password
*** NOTE Make sure your MySQL server is set up properly! Make sure you have more concurrent connections open than you have players/slots (I recommend double or triple the amount of slots). This will cause large amounts of latency if you do not set it up properly as every block place and break event is logged!
I highly suggest you read THIS it will help you tune your MySql server for better performance.
Also we do not log edits done from non standard place/break events, such as made by worldedit and super pick. These events are not logged!
Annoying comments, demands, and any other "Bad Attitude" comments, will be deleted. This plugin is presented AS IS. I will not make changes to it for anyone at any time. It is simple and it works. If you want bloatware go elsewhere.