This plugin allows for players to have a mob as their companion who will follow them around. The pets are completely aesthetic, they cannot interact with players, mobs or the environment and in turn players cannot interact with them either. This plugin was originally developed for the TooMuchMinecraft server and the full developmental build can be seen there. This plugin was developed as we couldn't find a public pets plugin with the features we wanted. Therefore, we made our own, and this is it. Hopefully others will find this as useful as we have found it.
Commands and Permissions
Click here for commands and permissions.
Pet types
- none - to remove your current pet.
- cow - a cow.
- sheep - a sheep.
- mooshroom - a mooshroom.
- pig - a pig.
- chicken - a chicken.
- wolf - a wolf.
- ocelot - an ocelot.
Hopefully more will be added in future.
15/01/2012 - Working on large update to vastly increase data storage efficiency.