AdminFun - The Essential Plugin
Remember to donate to keep this plugin updated and improved! KingFaris10 needs support and encouragement. Please donate to on paypal. Thanks, and carry on reading ahead.Donating page
AdminFun is probably the best plugin that you could have fun with! Trolling, Chatting, Broadcasting, and more!
This plugin includes a drop party feature that is still in development!
18 Player commands so far! Hopefully I will keep developing it and add more plugins as CraftBukkit updates!
adminfun <command>
<command> is replaced with the commands below.
disable - Disables plugin!
enable - Enables plugin! Only usable by the console.
config reload - Reloads the configuration! I will add more features for the config command.
help <PageNumber> - Shows this list of commands + usage
bgod <Message> - Broadcasts a message like the following: [God] + colour + message. The colour is set in the config, default is red.
enchant - Gives the player enchanted tools + weapons + armour. This is temporarily disabled as there are a lot of errors in the code.
dropparty <CommenceTime> - Creates a drop party around the players location in the set time. <CommenceTime> cannot be set higher than 20.
console <Message> - Says a message looking like a message from the console: [Console: Message]
playerchat <Username> <Message> - Forces the target player to type the set chat message.
xpparty <AmountOfXpBottles> - Creates a xp party around the players location with a set amount of xp bottles to spawn. <AmountOfXpBottles> cannot be more than 500 to prevent the player from crashing.
invsee <Username> - Exactly like it says, It opens the target players inventory so you can edit it and trade stuff!
explode <Username> <FloatSize> - Creates an explosion at the target players location. <FloatSize> cannot be bigger than 10 to prevent serious lag. A creeper's float size is 5!
announce <Message> - Announces the set message with NO prefix. This means you can set any prefix etc. with colours.
spamcast [<Message>] - Spams the set message 100 times to everyone with the prefix '[Spamcast]' except people with the exempt permission node.
tell <Message> - Broadcasts a message looking like Essentials /msg but actually it sends it to all players for trolling :)
fakeop <Player> - Lies to the target player that they have been opped.
fakequit - Broadcasts that you left the server.
adminfun.admin - Use /adminfun command
adminfun.disable - Use /adminfun disable
adminfun.config.reload - Use /adminfun config reload - Use /adminfun bgod
adminfun.dropparty - Use /adminfun dropparty
adminfun.enchant - Use /adminfun enchant - Use /adminfun console - Use /adminfun playerchat - Exempt from being forced
adminfun.xpparty - Use /adminfun xpparty
adminfun.invsee.see - Use /adminfun invsee
adminfun.invsee.exempt - Exempt from the players inventory being seen!
adminfun.explode.use - Use /adminfun explode
adminfun.explode.exempt - Exempt from being exploded - Use /adminfun announce - Use /adminfun spamcast - Exempt from being spammed - Use /adminfun tell
adminfun.fakeop - Use /adminfun fakeop
adminfun.fakequit - Use /adminfun fakequit
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