Version Beta 1.0
Community Commands
This plugin brings some new commands into the game, for interact with your community over social networks. This means you can simple tell your players the links to your page on social networks, like Facebook and Twitter.
Today there are five commands to use.
How to install...
Just put the CommunityCommands.jar into the plugins folder and start the server.
- a permissions plugin
Because without it you can use the commands only as a op.
After the first Enabling, there will be created a CommunityCommands folder, whic includes the config.yml. There you can edit the links to your social network pages.
How to edit the config.yml:
The configuration of the config.yml is self expained. Read the comments about the key-worlds.
- /vote - Shows steps for voting for your server on a serverlist
- /skype - Shows your skype account from your server
- /teamspeak - Shows TS-server ip
- /youtube - Gives a link to your youtube channel
- /yt - Gives a link to your youtube channel
To see the Permissions click here.
To Do list
- DONE: Implemtation of a configuration system
- More different localized languages
- Add commands for Facebook and Twitter
You need help?
- Ask me in the comments
- Write a ticket
You can help me to make this plugin better. Here are some examples how you can help me:
- Write me new chat formats for the commands(post it in the comments)
- Find English misetakes in the description or on other pages
- Translate the command text in other languages
Bugs & issues
Please report any bug or issue, with the full error entry from the serverlog. Post the entry in the comments. There are not any reported bugs and issues until now.
NOTE: I come from Germany, that's why my English isn't very good. Please, remember that!