Residence is different from most protection plugins in that it aims for the users to be able to protect their own homes without having to bother the admin to do it. Residence has support for a variety of different protection types including preventing movement through areas, all of which can be configured by the land owner, and limited by the admin.
- Wiki: Residence Mod Wiki
- Vault (Preferred Economy & Permissions Handler): Vault
- Developer API: API
- GitHub Source: GitHub
- Original Bukkit.org Forum Link: Link
- IRC discussion channel: irc://irc.esper.net/Residence
- Spanish Tutorial: Link
- Latest Config: config.yml
- Latest Changelog: Development Changes
- Dynmap Residence - Dynmap plugin that shows residences on the webmap.
- ResExtras - Control snow, ice, animals, mobs, and more within a residence.
- Residence Fly - Controls flying within a residence. Leaving will cause a player to fall.
- Residence Signs - Easy buying/selling/renting with signs.
- ResTown - Controls which users can build outside of a residence.
- ResProtect - Protects animals via flags
- ResCreative - Grants creative on entering a residence.
- ResPerm - Adds additional permissions to a player on residence change.
- SimpleClansResidence - Integrates Residence and SimpleClans
Want your addon listed here? Contact a developer via PM.
Past Contributors
- smbarbour (Code)
- inorixu (Code)
- lemon42 (Code)
- Daniel Few (Wiki)
- Linaks (Residence Logo)
- SirHedgehog (Code)
- GSValore (Code)
- Samkio (Wiki Video)
- JustinGuy (Code)
- Tonkovich (Code)
Residence 3 has been scrapped, instead T00thpick1 has spent countless hours cleaning up the 2.x code and adapting a seperate version of Residence that will support mySQL solely, from then on we will continue to update both versions, Although the SQL version will have new features implemented in the future while the flatfile version will merely just be maintained as is.
- Check the Residence Mod Wiki for most common solutions.
- You may also create a ticket.
- We are unable to support protection of/from most Tekkit features!
- Do NOT post bugs in the forums. The forums are for discussions only.
- Do NOT paste in stack traces/error logs. Use a paste service!
Stack traces shouldn't be posted in the comments and as such I will not take care of them there.
Proper procedure for errors/bugs:
- Check if ticket is filed for that error/bug
- If ticket is filed check if you have more relevant information to contribute to that ticket
- If relevant ticket is not filed, file a ticket with information about the bug
Proper procedure for suggestions/requests:
- Check if ticket is filed for that suggestion/request
- If ticket is filed, relax it is either already planned or not going to happen
- If relevant ticket is not filed, file a ticket with information about your suggestion