Another plugin idea inspired by odielag. He searched for a democratic way of getting rid of griefers and other derps by letting the community help itself!
Here is a linklist of the pages that will be important to you:
Vote example - Configuration - 2do-List - Permissions - Source (GitHub) - ChangeLog
- let your players vote for banning other players
- let your players vote for kicking other players
- let your players vote for muting other players
- let your players vote for committing commands
- players can discuss while both are muted (after each other)
- either ban/kick/mute the target or the voter, if the vote failed
- /banvote [playername] [reason] | initiate a ban vote
- /banvote [yes|+|true]|[no|-|false] | vote on a ban vote
- /kickvote [playername] [reason] | initiate a kick vote
- /kickvote [yes|+|true]|[no|-|false] | vote on a kick vote
- /mutevote [playername] [reason] | initiate a mute vote
- /mutevote [yes|+|true]|[no|-|false] | vote on a mute vote
- /customvote [playername] [type]vote [reason] | initiate a custom vote, type [type]
- /customvote [yes|+|true]|[no|-|false] | vote on a custom vote
- /release list | (admin) check for running bans/mutes
- /release #x | (admin) release ban/mute #x
- time of one mute
- weight of a NO vote
- weight of a YES vote
- weight of a NON vote because of being afk
- weight of a NON vote
- positive vote value required to ban the target
- negative vote value required to ban the voter
- ban minutes per positive result
- ban minutes per negative result
- cooldown minutes on voting on a target
- whether or not the exact calculation should be made public
Recommended Plugins (optional!):
- SimpleAFK - check for afk players
Known issues: