Provides chat formatting to messages sent to and from IRC using the SimpleIRC plugin, you need Vault for this to work as that is used to get the format from whichever permissions plugin you are using.
Bug Reports / Suggestions
If you find a bug, encounter a problem or have a suggestion, please fill out a ticket via the Tickets link above. I do not have the time to read through the comments section, any comment that fits the previous three categories will be ignored.
The plugin does not have any config or commands, it gets everything from SimpleIRC and Vault directly. Simply drop it in the plugins folder and restart the server.
The default config file will look like this
default-prefix and default-suffix set the prefix and suffix that will be used when one cannot be found from Vault, these will usually be the same as for your default group but you may wish to set a different value. irc-prefix is an additional prefix that is appended to all messages from IRC to the game.
Source Code
Available on GitHub.
Dev Builds
Changes Since Last Release
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.