Create signs that launch customizable (and/or random) fireworks into the air.
What is FireworkLaunchers?
FireworkLaunchers is a plugin that lets you create signs that can spawn fireworks at a specified interval. The type, main colour(s), fade colour(s), power, trail, and flicker can all be set per firework explosion (power is per firework only), or they can be randomly generated. Mixing defined values and random values is completely possible as well.
To create a Firework Launcher, you need at least 2 lines on a sign.
Top Line
On the top line, you put [FL at the beginning, then the power (between 1 and 3), and then the percent chance (out of 100%) that a firework will spawn at the interval in the config file. To finish off the top line, add a closing square bracket (]).
[FL 2 10]
This will create a firework launcher with a power of 2 (medium height) and a 10% chance that it will create a firework at the interval.
Other lines
The other lines are quite a bit more complicated than the first (due to how many properties a firework can have). Each of the other lines are a different explosion for the firework. The explosions use the following format:
Note: the | is not a lowercase L, it is the pipe or vertical bar on the same key as \
[Type]: Can be a number from 0-4, or R for a random type. See the firework type reference below for more details on what each number does. Example - 3 will create a creeper shaped explosion
[MainColours]: Can be a series of hexadecimal characters or Rs for a random colour. Any number of colours (space permitting) can be used. See the colour reference below to see what colour each character is. Example - A5CR will use purple, lime green, brown, and a random colour
[FadeColours]: Exact same format as [MainColours], Rs can be used for random colours. Any number of colours (space permitting) can be used.
[Flicker] and [Trail]: Either 1 or 0 for true and false, respectively. T or Y can also be used for true, and F or N can also be used for false. An R can be used for random. Example - T will cause the explosion to have a flicker or trail, R will cause the explosion to randomly choose whether or not to have one
Complete Examples
2R3|1DR|01 - this will cause a star-shaped explosion with 2 main colours (a random one and light blue), 3 fade colours (orange, green, and a random one), that will not flicker but will have a trail.
R6|RRRR|RR - this will cause a random explosion type with pink as the main colour, 4 random fade colours, and it will randomly choose whether or not to flicker and to have a trail.
Entire Sign Example
- In this example, the firework will have a power of 3 and has a 15% chance of spawning at each interval.
- The first explosion (line 2) will have a random type, 2 main colours (lime and random), 4 fade colours (purple, orange, and 2 random), that will flicker and it will have a trail.
- The second explosion has all random variables (random type, 3 random main colours, 3 random fade colours, random flicker and random trail).
- The final explosion will be creeper-shaped with 2 main colours (magenta and cyan), 2 fade colours (green and red), no flicker, and a trail.
- /flstart - Starts the firework show with all of the Firework Launchers on the server
- /flstop - Stops the currently running firework show
- fireworklaunchers.* - grants all Firework Launcher permissions
- fireworklaunchers.start - allows use of /flstart (default: op)
- fireworklaunchers.stop - allows use of /flstop (default: op)
- fireworklaunchers.create - allows creation of a Firework Launcher (default: op)
- fireworklaunchers.destroy - allows destruction of a Firework Launcher (default: op)
The configuration file has only one value that you should need to change, the interval. This is the amount of time (in ticks, there are 20 ticks per second) between firework spawns. You can manually edit the signs as well, however if there is not a sign at that location in that world when the server starts, it will be removed from the configuration file.
Example Configuration
# You should only have to edit the interval value. NOTE: It is in ticks, there are 20 ticks per second.interval:5signs:signs1:world:worldcoords:'{"x":"230.0","y":"64.0","z":"272.0"}'
Firework Type Reference
Type Number | Description |
0 | Small ball |
1 | Large ball |
2 | Star-shaped |
3 | Creeper-shaped |
4 | Burst |
Colour Reference
Hex Character | Colour |
0 | White |
1 | Orange |
2 | Magenta |
3 | Light blue |
4 | Yellow |
5 | Lime |
6 | Pink |
7 | Grey |
8 | Silver |
9 | Cyan |
A | Purple |
B | Blue |
C | Brown |
D | Green |
E | Red |
F | Black |