Do you want the people on your server to be living in constant fear of creepers and zombies? Are you tired of people asking for night so they can go hunt? Or are you the complete opposite? Do you want to be safe from zombies? Do you want it to be beautiful and sunny outside? If you are, then this is the plugin for you!
Constant Night will keep your server in a constant state of night. This allows for people to always be hunting, or, if you want them to be living their Minecraft lives scared of what will greet them! This kind of thing is great for hardcore servers, because it creates a tense atmosphere on your server and makes your players always fear for their lives.
Constant Night can also keep your server in a constant state of day. This allows for safer building, the oppotunity to enjoy the sunny weather and a chance to just be free from the threat of mobs! This is therefore great for servers based around building!
Which ever you prefer, this is the plugin for you!
- /CN = Returns the currently running version of Constant Night
- /CN Enable = Enable the plugin(Default)
- /CN Disable = Disable the plugin
- /CN Night = Make the world constantly night(Default)
- /CN Day = Make the world constantly day
- constantnight.maincommand = Allows access to the /CN command
- constantnight.enable = Allows access to the /CN Enable command
- constantnight.disable = Allows access to the /CN Disable command
- constantnight.night = Allows access to the /CN Night command
- = Allows access to the /CN Day command