Super charge your furnaces to produce more ingots!
To install SuperSmelter do the following:
1) Add SuperSmelter to your plugins folder, start your server or /reload your plugins
2) Edit the config.yml file in the SuperSmelter Folder.
3) Reload or restart again for your changes to take effect.
To create a SuperSmelter Furnace do the following in game:
1) Built a furnace.
2) Acquire a Power Block (Default is GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE).
3) Place your Power Block.
4) Place your furnace on top of the Power Block.
To use your SuperSmelter Furnace do the following in game:
1) Place fuel (Default is normal fuel: wood, coal, charcoal, etc.) in your furnace.
2) Place Ore in the furnace (must be a smelting ore like Iron Ore or Gold Ore).
3) As the furnace burns the fuel (at an accelerated rate) it produces two ingots for each ore block.
No configuration is necessary but you may change the Power Block, and restrict ores and fuels.