This plugin was made to help users use PermissionsEx commands easily without /pex and remembering what to type.
- /easypex - Displays a list of commands and information about the plugin
- /easypermissionsex - Displays a list of commands and information about the plugin
- /upromote <username> <group> [<oldgroup>] - Promote a player to <group>. The <oldgroup> is optional. What it does is removes a player from <oldgroup> then promotes it to the <group>
- /udemote <username> <group> [<newgroup>] - Demote a player from <group>. The <newgroup> is optional. What it does is removes a player from <group> then moves the player to the <newgroup>
- /uaddp <username> <permisison> - Add a permission node to a player
- /udelp <username> <permisison> - Remove a permission node from a player
- /uprefix <username> <prefix> - Change a player's prefix
- /gaddp <group> <permission> - Add a permission node to a group
- /gdelp <group> <permission> - Remove a permission node from a group
- /gprefix <group> <prefix> - Change a group's prefix
There are no permission nodes as there is no need because basically what this plugin does is forces the user to perform the /pex version of the command using & replacing the variables inputted.
Note: You WILL need PermissionsEx for this plugin to work.
I hope you guys like this plugin :) I made this for private uses but I decided to put it up for any of you guys who want to use PermissionsEx easier.
Comment below if you have any suggestions.
Planned features:
- Add /creategroup and /deletegroup
- Add /timedp