Greetings Bukkitteers and server admins, I propose to you today
Random Teleport!
Random Teleport is a simple, lightweight plugin that allows players to use a command, or button and sign to teleport them randomly to the wild based on the preferences in the config.yml!
----------------------------------- What does Random Teleport have to offer? ---------------------------------
Random Teleport easily allows players to access the wild to find a home, or simple to just teleport around, and perhaps seeing other peoples creations! Random Teleport is lightweight, making it nearly invisible when it comes to the RAM of your server. It also prevents annoying chat from new players asking to be teleported into the wild.
----------------------------------- Installation --------------------------------------
Simply drag Random Teleport.jar into your plugins folder and reload / restart your server. The configuration file will be automatically generated.
----------------------------------- Commands --------------------------------------
----------------------------------- Permissions --------------------------------------
----------------------------------- How to use signs. --------------------------------------
RandomTeleport also has a sign implementation, to create a random teleport sign simply create a sign on a block with the second line reading: [RandomTP] and then a button on the opposite side of it.----------------------------------- Configuration --------------------------------------
In the config there are two lines, CoordsX and CoordsZ. Edit these as you wish to conform to your servers outline. Please note when using the config NO NEGATIVE NUMBERS!!!! The random syntax does not allow for a negative number, therefor I added code that will take CoordsX and CoordsZ and randomly make one of them negative.
----------------------------------- Change Log --------------------------------------
Version 1.1.0 - Added Implementation for SafeTeleport, cleaned up code, and other things. You'll just have to acknowledge that they exist.
Version: 1.0 - Initial Release
----------------------------------- Known Issues --------------------------------------
• Region Bypasses not working properly ( Not fully implemented )
• SafeTeleport teleports you to middle of glass block instead of the middle. ( NOT deadly. Just inconvenient)
• CoordsX is generally biased towards a negative number.
----------------------------------- Planned --------------------------------------
• Portals?
• Fixes of Region Bypasses
• Bug fixes ( Mainly fixing the SafeTeleport implementation not being super safe [glass block issue] )