WeatherMan v0.5.1
WeatherMan allows you to change biome in with command, magic-wand and a sign, controlled by the redstone power. WorldEdit selections and WorldGuard regions supported.
- Change biome around you with command, with magic wand, inside WorldEdit selection or WorldGuard region.
- Control biome changing (toglle two biomes) with sign controlled by redstone power.
- Check biome in a your location or inform you about biome changing while you traveling
- Melt snow and ice when changes to "warm" biome
- Preventing snow-forming and ice-forming in defined biomes.
- Control weather locally: for player, for region, for biome and for whole world.
Why do I want it?
If you need change biomes, or going to allow your players to do it - you must install WeatherMan :) If you need to "curse" any player with unstoppable rain you can find this plugin useful too.
How Do I Install It?
Just copy it in your Plugins folder.
How to use it?
- Install
- Use command /wm set <biome> <radius> to change biome around you
- Use command /wm set <biome> to change biome at area selected using WorldEdit
- Use command /wm set <biome> <region name> to change biome at WorldGuard region defined by name
- Use command /wm fill <biome> to change biome in your location to new one
- Use command /wm wand to enable wand mode (define biome and radius with commands /wm biome <biome>, /wm radius <radius> Right-click with magic wand (default item - ghast tears (id - 370)) and you'll shoot the snowball that will change the biome around the hit-point.
- Create sign with [biome] in second line, radius value in third, and biome names in first and forth lines. You can set word "replace" in third line if you need to replace the full biome. Now you can use redstone power to toggle between two biomes.
Commands (in game)
- /wm help - display help and command list
- /wm check - check biome in player location
- /wm list - list all biome types
- /wm set <biome|original> <radius> - set the biome around the player (size defined by radius)
- /wm set <biome|original> <region name> - set the biome at WorldGuard region
- /wm set <biome|original> - set the biome in a WorldEdit selection
- /wm fill <biome> - replace (using flood fill) biome in player locations with defined biome. Could not be used with "original biome"
- /wm replace <biome1> <biome2|original> - replace <biome1> with <biome2> inside WorldEdit selection (works faster than /wm fill)
- /wm wand - toggles wand mode
- /wm radius <radius> - set the current radius value (will be used in wand mode)
- /wm biome <biome|original> - set the current biome value (will be used in wand mode).
- /wth player <player> <rain|clear|remove> - set personal player weather to rain, clear or remove settings
- /wth region <region> <rain|clear|remove> - set weather in region to rain, clear or remove settings
- /wth biome <biome> <rain|clear|remove> - set weather in biome to rain, clear or remove settings
- /wth world <world> <rain|clear|remove> - set weather in biome to rain, clear or remove settings
- /wth <player|region|biome|world> - list the players, regions, biomes, worlds where weather states are changed
Commands (console only)
- /wm help - display help and command list
- /wm list - list all biome types
- /wm set <biome|original> <world name> <x1> <z1> <x2> <z2> - set the biome at area defined by coordinates
- /wm set <biome|original> <world name> <x> <z> <radius> - set the biome at circle defined by coordinates (center) x,z and radius
- /wm replace <biome1> <biome2|original> <world name> <x1> <z1> <x2> <z2> - replace <biome1> with <biome2> at area defined by coordinates
- /wm cfg - show and edit current configuration (see configuration commands)
Configuration commands
- /wm cfg - show current configuration
- /wm cfg wand <item id> - set the wand item
- /wm cfg radius <radius> - set the default radius
- /wm cfg biome <biome> - set the default biome
- /wm cfg meltsnow <on/off> - switch on/off snow melting on biome change
- /wm cfg meltice <on/off> - switch on/off ice melting on biome change
- /wm cfg smoke <on/off> - switch on/off smoke effect
- /wm cfg smokechance <chance, %> - switch on/off smoke effect
- /wm cfg maxrcmd <radius> - set the maximum radius (changing biome with the command line)
- /wm cfg maxrwand <radius> - set the maximum radius (changing biome with the wand)
- /wm cfg maxrsign <radius> - set the maximum radius (changing biome with the sign)
- /wm cfg nethermob <on/off> - switch on/off spawning of nether mobs (PigZombie, Ghasts) in normal worlds
- /wm cfg nosnow [biome1,biome2...] - set biomes list where snow-forming will be disabled (empy list - snow will forms at all cold biomes)
- /wm cfg noice [biome1,biome2...] - - set biomes list where ice-forming will be disabled (empy list - ice will forms at all cold biomes)
- /wm cfg weather - enable/disable local weather control
How to turn back to original biomes
If you need to set back an original biomes at defined area, you can use "original" biome type with commands /wm set, /wm replace, /wm biome (and use wand to change biomes). Command /wm replace <biome1> <biome2> supporting "original" only as second parameter (<biome2>).
WeatherMan translation
It is possible to use language files to translate WeatherMan messages.
Available translations:
- English - default (sorry for my english)
- Russian (Русский)
- Ukrainian (Українська) - translated by duckman, RangarsTeam. Thank you very much, duckman!
- German (Deutsch) - translated by PinguinAman. Thank you very much, PinguinAman!
- Spanish (Español) - translated by Indeleble, Antica RP Server. Thank you very much, Indeleble!
- French (Français) - 50toto50. Thank you very much, 50toto50!
I will be very thankful if you can help me to translate WeatherMan to other languages. I've created an open translation projects at site:
1. Translation from English to some languages (including German, Spanish, French and other)
2. Translation from Russian to English (I know my English is terrible) and Ukranian
- weatherman.basic - allows to use commands /wm help, /wm check, /wm list
- weatherman.cmdbiome - allows to use command /wm set and /wm fill
- weatherman.sign - allows to create [biome] signs
- weatherman.wandbiome - allows to use wand and commands /wm wand, /wm radius, /wm biome
- weatherman.config - allows to setup plugin with command /wm cfg
Source code
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