Capture The Flag
What, "Capture The Flag" for Minecraft?
Yes you heard right. I coded a plugin that is able to let you play with your friends Capture the Flag in Minecraft.
Plugin: Plugin
Put the "CaptureTheFlag.jar" in the /plugins folder
Map: Map
Just unzip it and put the "CaptureTheFlag" folder in your server folder
Set up
After you unzipped the .zip your have to change the world in the server.propities to "CaptureTheFlag" that it loads the right map.
Don't forget to remove permission systems like Essentials and interaction-blocking plugins... In the best case you just run this plugin on your server!
ALWAYS use the map with the same version number(just the first 2 the 3rd here 'x' 1.1.x doesn't matter)!
# Configfile for CaptureTheFlag by Th3Shad0wOfDeathgeneral:updateChecker:true#defaultrepeatingTimeOfTheChecker:10#default (in minutes)
This is the config.
To disable the updateChecker(no download): replace "true" with "false" The repeatingTimeOfTheChecker is setting the minutes for the "update again" timer!
How it works
There are no permissions. Just Play it and have fun.
To join a team you just have to click at the "Red:" or "Blue:" sign to join there are no commands everything works with signs.
You get a armor dyed in your team color.
Start the Game
To start a game 2 players are requiered.
The 2 players have to be in teams.
Just click on the sign with "Accepted" on it to accept the start of the game.
There is an info how many players are needed to accept that the game starts.
Calcultion for the players that are left for the start:
- 2 players -> 2 acceptations
- 3 players -> 2 acceptations
- 4 players -> 2 acceptations
- 5 players -> 3 acceptations Until you are playing with 5 players the minimum of acceptations is 2 after 5 or higher you just devide the playeramount by 2 rounded up.
5/2 = 2.5
2.5 ~ 3
The Game
You have to capture the enemys flag 5 times to win the game
The flags are pressure plates if they are made of stone the flag is there... If they are made of wood a player has the flag
You can kill enemy players to get your flag back and bring it back to your "base/flag" then the enemy players have to try to capture it again and bring it over to their flag.
There are many nice features in Capture The Flag
IP: capturetheflag(dot)minecraft(dot)gs
No Commands
- Just signs easy and clean.
Update Available
You are tired of looking up the newest version of your CaptureTheFlag.jar. No problem I got a fix. In the lobby there are 4 signs that are containing information about your version and then newest one, like upload of the newest version or version number!
The Map
- Live scoreboard made out of glowstone.
- Specatator rooms/lounges for the neutral team
If the game started your messages are only displayed for your teammates
If you found a bug(that should be really rare) please write a ticket.