Whats CreativeManager?
CreativeManager is a Bukkit Plugin that controls the things that people can do in creative, such as:
If they can place/destroy bedrock, If they can keep there inventory when changing back to survival, If they can drop items in creative.
- reloadval Description: Reloads the valuables from the config file.
- reloadconf Description: Reloads the config section from the config file. Permission Nodes:
- creativemanager.reloadval: allows you to reload the valuables from the config file.
- creativemanager.reloadconf: allows you to reload the config section from the config file. This plugin is fully customized, because of its config file, it lets your select what ops can do in creative and what normal players can do in creative, a look at the config file:
- Valuables:
- Config:
- Ops:
- keep_inventory: false
- bedrock_place: false
- bedrock_break: false
- can_drop: false
- Players:
- keep_inventory: false
- bedrock_place: false
- bedrock_break: true
- can_drop: false
Valuables is so you can put what blocks CreativeManager should keep track of, for example if you place a diamond block with creative and then a non-op on survival wants to destroy that block and keep the loop they can't since the plugin will prevent them from destroying it.
Config is so you can select what ops and players can do in creative.
keep_inventory: If set to false the inventory they have in survival will be saved when they change to creative and when they go back to survival they get the saved inventory. bedrock_place and bedrock_break: Allows you to manage if they can place or destroy bedrock. can_drop: if set to false when in creative they can't drop items.
As usual, All suggestions are welcome and might be implemented on the next release.