Simple Gifts is a Plugin that allows you to send any kinds of gifts (blocks, items and money) to another player.
You will be able to send items that are currently in your hand to the player of your choice.
Latest update
v1.3.0 Compatible with: RB 1.4.7-R1.0
- You are able to send Money, one or multiple Items
- You can set how much gifts a player is able to send per hour
- Item names and enchantments will be also transfered
- /gift - Shows all available commands
- /gift <Playername> - Sends the item that is currently held in your Hand to a Player.
- /gift <amount> <Playername> - Sends a specific amount of items that are currently held in your Hand to a Player.
- /gift money <amount> <Playername> - Sends a specific amount of money to a Player.
- /giftinfo - Displays your current cooldown time for gifting or the amount of gifts that you are able to send until you hit the cooldown