Death Run
What is it?
- Death run is a server mini game, were players have to run through a parkour course and escape deadly traps that a activator activates
- This is originally a Cod4 Server mod for the pc.
- To help explain it better here a video of cheatlikeachamp playing it (Call of duty 4) *Video*
- The plugin aims to be as much like the original mod for cod4
- I have not deiced what all to add into the game, so give me your ideas!
- /dr setlobby - Sets the DeathRun Lobby
- /dr createmap [MapName] - Create a new Death Run map
- /dr delmap [MapName] - Delete a map
- /dr setrunspawn [MapName] - Sets the runners spawn
- /dr setactivatorspawn [MapName] - Sets the trap activator spawn
- /dr setdeathspawn [MapName] - Sets the dead players spawn
- /dr join [MapName] - Joins a Death Run map
- /dr leave [MapName] - Leaves a DeathRun map
- dr.admin - Admin commands
- dr.player - player commands
This Plugin Is NOT done yet :D
Progress 20% ish