mcMMO TabSkillz v1.4
Tired of typing /mcstats over and over? Just press Tab!
This is my first plugin so far and I'll appreciate any feedback or constructive criticism.
- Modifies the standard player list called by tab to show your mcMMO-skills.
- Shows all information /mcstats would provide + a togglable bar showing the progress of your leveling.
- Will only show a skill, if the player has the permission node for it.
- The usual player list will begin just below the skill tab.
- Can be disabled to allow viewing more of the player list.
- Default: State the standard settings for a newly joining player here.
- Skills: Enable or disable showing of specific skills for the whole server.
- /tson: Enables skills in tab.
- /tsoff: Disables skills in tab.
- /tsxpon: Enables xp-bars in tab.
- /tsxpoff: Disables xp-bars in tab.
- /tsreload: Reloads the plugin, recognizing changes in the config.
Permission Nodes
- - Allows a player to see his stats when pressing tab (Default: Everyone)
- tabskillz.toggle - Allows a player to toggle his skill-tab (Default: Everyone)
- tabskillz.xpbar - Allows a player to toggle his xp-bars (Default: Everyone)
- tabskillz.admin - Allows a player to reload the plugin (Default: Op)
With xp-bar: Without xp-bar:
- What are all these underscores doing there?
- There is a problem with the width of a space in Minecraft. It's way thinner than a usual character and to get a fixed distance between everything I needed a character that's just as wide as the others while still being considerably "empty". I decided to use the underscore.
- What are these blocks and numbers in the right column supposed to be?
- In the right column I tried to create some kind of progress bar for your respective skill. The blocks are forming the bar and the underscores the empty space which is to fill. The numbers printed either between the blocks or underscores are giving you the exact percentage of how full the bar is.
- Why didn't you place the numbers in the middle of the xp-bars?
- I decided to place them in the middle of the bigger part of the bar, either the filled or empty one, because placing them always in the middle would deceive the actual filling status of the bar at around 50%. This way you can always see where the bar ends and still read the percentage well.
- Why is smelting not shown in the tab, when using the beta?
- Smelting is a child skill of Mining and Repair, means it's level is directly dependent on your Mining and Repair level (Mining/4 + Repair/4 = Smelting). mcMMO itself does not yet list it in /mcstats and won't show a level for it, so I won't do it as well (for now).
- Make sure you installed all the required plugins found below.
- Drop the mcMMO TabSkillz.jar into your plugin folder.
- Make sure you have your player limit high enough to get 3 columns when you press tab (minimum: 51, max-sized tab: 60+)
- Have fun!
- mcMMO v1.3.14 [v1.4.00-beta4 if using mcMMO TabSkillz v1.4-beta]
- TabAPI v0.1.10
- ProtocolLib v 2.2.0
Enable / Disable Command- DONEMake xp-bar togglable and switch to xp-points if disabled- DONEAdd disable options for every single skill in the config- DONE- Any Suggestions?
Known Bugs
- None so far - if you find any, please write a ticket.