~ WitherNerf Version 4.1 ~
Plugin status:
- Working on version 5.0. This version will be much more efficient and easier to use compared to previous versions, not to mention the addition of a whole new field of configurable features.
About this plugin:
WitherNerf is a configurable plugin designed to efficiently nerf (disable) Wither block damage. Not only does this plugin get the job done, it gets the job done well. Withernerf was originally made to only deal with Withers, but now it has a few extra features. Everything WitherNerf does is listed below, permissions and commands included.
I originally designed this plugin for my own servers after noticing a lack of high-quality Wither controlling plugins. Once i got it functioning perfectly I decided to release it to the public, for free, and only improve it for the specific needs of my servers and the requests from the people who use this plugin. If you would like to see something added to this plugin feel free to message me or comment below, i love to hear suggestions/requests! If you find a bug please post about it here as well.
How to install:
- Download and put the jar file in your server's plugin folder.
- Run your server and a configuration file will be generated.
- Look over the config and your set! If you have problems with the config file just delete it and a new one will be generated.
How to Update:
There are two ways you can check for a new version:
- Come to this page and manually check for a newer version, then replace the old jar file with the new one in your server's plugin folder.
- Use the plugin CraftBukkitUpToDate. CraftBukkitUpToDate is a plugin that automatically checks for newer versions of the plugins you run on your server, then downloads the new jar file to a folder in your server's directory. I highly recommend you use this plugin, it saves you a lot of work! Also, check this plugin out: Pail makes it much easier to monitor your server from the console. I've been using both of these plugins since i started hosting a server, and they are by far the two best labor-reducing plugins i have ever seen during my minecraft career.
Any versions of the same number (such as V1.0 and V1.1) will not require anything more than the usual jar file replacement. In other words, no additions/deductions will be made that require your revision for the plugin to function correctly. Such examples of these additions/deductions are changes to the config file and existing permissions.
(Anything added in the last version will have a green color.)
- Different settings for the Overworld and Nether.
- Nerf block damage caused by spawning a Wither.
- Nerf block damage caused by flying WitherSkulls. (the things it shoots)
- Nerf block damage caused by an exploding Creeper.
- Nerf block damage caused by a Wither eating/crunching blocks.
- Limit how many Withers/Creepers can be alive at any given time.
- SuperCreeper mode - shows you the true power of a Creeper. (Use at your own risk)
- Stop Withers/Creepers from spawning all together.
- Will function correctly along side plugins such as Towny & WorldGuard.
Commands: (not case-sensitive)
- /WitherNerf Reload - reloads the configuration file. (withernerf.reload)
- /WitherNerf Stats - shows some interesting stuff. (withernerf.stats)
- /WitherNerf Kill - instantly kill all Withers in both the Overworld and Nether. (withernerf.kill)
- withernerf.reload - allows usage of the /WitherNerf Reload command.
- withernerf.stats - allows usage of the /WitherNerf Stats command.
- withernerf.kill - allows usage of the /WitherNerf Kill command.
Upcoming Features and improvements:
- Control over player damage caused by Withers/Creepers.
- Easier configuration file system.
- Complete control over this plugin's features through commands.
- Give me suggestions/requests and they'll show up here! (and eventually in the plugin, so leave a comment!!)
If you're feeling generous and want to donate any amount of money to the author and maintainer of WitherNerf, you can do so here. I don't get payed to do this!