This plugin is used to tell users the website of your server for them to register at your website
The commands are:
/register - this tells you the website to register at.
/registerreload - This reloads the plugin config so if you change the message for the server file it will display the new one.
/serverip - to display the ip you set in plugin config.
The permissions are:
Register.register - this makes it so you can use /register.
Register.registerreload - this makes it so you are able to reload the plugin config ** it says who reloads it**.
Register.Serverip - The perm for users to use /serverip
To install:
1.Download the latest version .
2.put it in your **plugins folder**.
3.restart or reload the server you will see a file called "Register" Open it and you will see the Config text file.
4. Change the text to what ever but leave the "Register: " with space and type in whatever message you want.
5.Use /registerreload then your all set!
Version 1.00: was made as a test project.
Version 2.00: Added config settings and added /registerreload command.
Version 2.2.0: Removed the code to make it say who reloaded the plugin and added /serverip to display the server ip you set in config
Hello, this is the first plugin i have ever published to the public so fell free to post recommendations. I will re update when someone gives a new recommendation or when a new bukkit version comes out.
If you have any questions, please ask me!