TimedRanker is a simple Bukkit plugin that allows your server to automatically promote/rank-up players based on their total online time.
- Records total minutes online on server
- Easy to use configuration
- Essentials AFK Integration
- Uses Vault for permission management
- Stores total gameplay time in an SQLite .db file
- tranker playtime [player] - See yours/others' gameplay time
- tranker top - See top 10 player with longest gameplay time
- tranker left - See how much time you have left until your next promotion
- tranker settime <player> <minutes> - Set number of minutes played for a player
- tranker purge - Purge the database
- tranker reload - Reload configuration file
- tranker.playtime.me - Permission to use /tranker playtime - Default: true
- tranker.playtime.others - Permission to use /tranker playtime <player> - Default: op
- tranker.top - Permission to use /tranker top - Default: true
- tranker.left - Permission to use /tranker left - Default: true
- tranker.settime - Permission to use /tranker settime <player> <minutes> - Default: op
- tranker.purge - Permission to use /tranker purge - Default: op
- tranker.reload - Permission to use /tranker reload - Default: op
- tranker.* - Permission to use all commands
#If the player is AFK, don't count gameplay timeessentialsAfk:false#Debug mode. If you don't know what you're doing, leave it falsedebugInfo:falsepromote:group1:#Group to be promoted from#Group to be promoted toto:group2#After specified amount of time played. Usage: d - for days, h - for hours, m - for minutes; use spaces between days, hours and minutestimeReq:1h 2mgroup2:to:group3timeReq:2d 3h
You can set up as many promotions as you like.
First install SQLibrary and Vault and then a permission plugin of your choice. If you want AFK Integration, you need to install Essentials as well. Then drag and drop the jar file in your plugins folder and run the server to generete the config file and database. After that you can proceed to editing the configuration.
- Vault
- SQLibrary
- Essentials (if essentialsAfk is set to "true" in the config )
- Added Essentials AFK Integration
- Added command /tranker left
- Added debugInfo configuration option
- Changed how time required for rankup is set in the config file
- Some minor fixes for some commands
- Initial Release
I'm open to suggestions.