No spout required! Cool health bars over players and mobs heads, a must-have plugin for RPG and PvP servers!
- Displays health bar over mob and player heads
- Customize the text over a mob head!
- Will not break skins and death messages, while other plugins of the same type do
- Health bar disappear after 5 seconds if the mob or the player is not hit again within that time (configurable)
- Easy drag and drop install
- No Spout or client mods required
- Will notify the console when an update is released on bukkit dev (on reload)
- Health bars below player name (With configurable name)
- Does not change name for mobs with custom names
- Epicboss support
Sample image
Donations are really appreciated :) Thanks to my donators:
Chalkie19 -
dakotadamico6 -
Future additions
- More commands
- Permissions to activate health bar on mobs
- Custom bars
- More compatibility
Video demonstrations
There are too many comments, please make a ticket if you want to get help on errors or to suggest new features! I'm not able to manage all these comments :)