Be The Mob
BeTheMob is a plugin that allows you to disguise as mobs and players. It also contains flags to fully control how you are going to look like.
- Disguise as any mob/player!
- Compatible with Zombies/PigZombies!
- Baby mobs!
- Colored sheeps!
- Low recources!
- Custom block in hand for Enderman!
- Showing arm swining and block breaking!
- Extremely easy to use!
- No required libaries!
Why BeTheMob?
The reason you should choose BeTheMob is because of its many features.
BeTheMob is Low recource, and it will gain alot more functions in later builds.
Q: Does this plugin use any code from DisugiseCraft or Mobdisguise?
A: No
Q: Will this plugin break with new minecraft builds?
A: At the moment it will, but i am working on a Dynmatic utility class to fix this.
Q: Does this plugin use packets?
A: Yes, it uses packets to spawn, move, rotate and handle animations for entities.
Q: Does this plugin use tasks?
A: Yes, we are using 1 task to check the distance between a disguised player and a normal player
- Api - Hook with BeTheMob to disguise players as mobs or players
- Source code (GitHub)
- /btm mob <mob name> - Disguise as a mob
- /btm player <player name> - Disguise as a player
- /btm off - Undisguise
- btm.disguise.mob.<mob name> - Allows to disguise as a mob
- btm.disguise.mob.* - Allows to disguise as any mob
- btm.disguise.player.<player name> - Allows to disguise as a player
- btm.disguise.player.* - Allows to disguise as any player
- btm.flag.<flag name> - Allows a flag to be used.
- btm.flag.*- Allows all flags
The way you use a flag is by typing normal command and addding: -<flag name>
Example: /btm mob pig -baby, or: /btm mob sheep -baby -red
Available flags:
- -baby - Baby animals
- -charged - Make creeper charged
- -sitting - Make wolf sit
- -angry - Make wolf angry
- -tamed - Make wolf tamed
- -saddled - Make pig saddled
- -item:[item id] - Block in hand of enderman
- -[sheep color] - Sheep color
- -health:[0-200] - Amount of health in healthbar for Ender_Dragon
- v1.03 - Download (1.4.7-R1.0)