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Enables the hidden gamemode in Minecraft!...
In the client code for Minecraft there is a FOURTH game mode (apart from Survival, Creative and Adventure) that usually can't be activated. This plugin however forces the client to take that game mode!
What does it do
- Lets you go into the fourth game mode "HyperCreative"
- This game mode breaks blocks instantly REALLY REALLY FAST
- It's like Creative for the rest
Commands & Permissions
- /hypercreate - Enable HyperCreative game mode
- Also supported: /hc, /hyper, /hyperc, /hcreative, /3
- hypercreative.hypercreative - Permission node to use HyperCreative
- hypercreative.hypercreative.other - Permission node to give others the new game mode
OPs have all permissions by default, so you don't need permissions.